Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ready for school

We had our Preschool open house yesterday. Levi is SO excited about starting preschool. When we drove up he screamed, "We are at my school mom!" I am really excited for him.

One of the things he had to do before attending school was he had to be potty trained. Since Dec of 08 he has gone on the potty but only when he wanted to. When I went to get school supplies I packed up Marki's bag with all the things she would need. Levi looked at me and asked where his bag was. I told him he would get it when he went poo poo and pee pee on the potty every time because Miss Arisa and Miss Tracey didn't want to change his diaper at school. His reply? "Yes they would!"

Well it seemed to do the trick. He has gone on the potty for the last week and has had no accidents so far. He loves his big boy pants. They have super heros on them. His favorites are, of course, the batman ones.

I am so proud of him. I love him to pieces and can't wait to get his little projects from school. Marki took him around and showed him everything and told him he had to listen to his teachers. When they went outside to play Lee looked around for his big sis and waited for her at the door. It was a moment I'm glad I got to see. I'm glad they'll be together this year. With out further ado here he is, my big boy, not in diapers anymore.

Two down. One to go.