Saturday, July 18, 2009

Get Ready, Get Set, Go!

Marki and Levi did a great job at their race. They got to run after an ice cream truck. How fun! Marki and Lee started theses races when they were just about to turn two years. They love it and have so much fun. I also love how Marki is so proud of me when I run my races. I can just see it in her face. She tells people, "My mommy runs 955 miles!"

There are video's at the bottom of Marki and Levi crossing the finish line and Oliver Dancing. Damon said Marki ran her heart out and he was impressed that no one passed her. I love my little runners and can't wait for Oliver's first race.

Eating Spaghetti and coloring before the big race.

Showing off their numbers.
Marki told Levi he could run with Uncle D this time but when she saw him, she ran to him and told him she was running the race with him:)
Marki and Blue high fiven it.
Lee and Daddy waiting to meet all the characters.
Marki and Uncle D.
Sweet boy.
The racers.
Lee flying a helicopter
Marki stretching.
Marki stretching.
Marki stretching.
Big hugs.
Don't take too big a bite Uncle D. I worked hard for that ice cream!
Lee telling the Bronco's mascot that he is going to be their starting quarterback in about 17 years.
Aleah and Marki after racing.
Olli and Daddy moments.
It is a tradition to run through the fountain after their race.
So happy.

Sisterly Love.