Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Precious Moments

We got to spend some time with Daddy at the fire station today. Mark has been working a lot of overtime lately. He must have missed us because we got a call asking us to come and have a picnic. We brought pizza and hung out and played. Right before we were to leave they got a call. It was so neat to see Marki and Levi watch there dad get ready to go and save a life. Mark will usually get a call when we go and visit but this was just way to cute. It went something like this:

Mommy: Daddy's getting a call so let's go out by the van and watch.

Marki: (squeeling with joy) Bye Daddy! Come back safe! (blowing him kisses) I love you be safe! Go put out a fire! Oh Daddy....please come back safe!

Levi: (squeeling with joy) Super Daddy! Super Daddy! Go Daddy Go! My dad's a fireman!

Mommy: Oh look! Daddy is driving the fire truck!

Marki and Levi: silent....watching there dad with the most wonderful look of pride on their faces.

I am so glad I got to see that. I wish I could have taped their excitement and love for their dad. We are all so proud of you!

I remember watching my dad go off to a call. It really is neat that my kids get to experience that too. So, in the words of Marki, "Come home safe, Daddy!"