Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Hoopla and Birthday Parties

This year we celebrated Marki, Levi, and Oliver's birthday together for one big party. Poppy and Grammy got to come celebrate with us. We ordered the best bounce house ever complete with a slide and obstacle course. And why I didn't get a picture of this wonderful bounce house I don't know. Busy running around I guess. We got an icecream cake this year which was a big hit with everyone. Super delicious! Happy Birthday my babies!

Here are pictures of the birthday party, Halloween party Kristy invited us too, and Halloween night!

Oliver opening his gifts.
something funny
Oliver decorating his pumpkin.
Marki went as "Christine" from "Phantom of the Opera". Her most favorite movie. She even has made her own ballet to one of the songs.
Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez from "The Sandlot" Lee's favorite movie EVER! He insists we call him Benny at all times
See my pumpkin!
My mom made Marki's dress to match Christines and she made an exact replica of Benny's jersey and bought the same hat.
That's my girl!
That's my boy!
Face paint and all!
Pin the tail on the cat

Put the face on the Pumpkin
Where's Waldo, Christine? Love your costume Uncle D!
Oliver, my little stinker.

Trick or Treat

Levi loving his girlfriend Jamie

Thank you Damon and Jamie for coming trick or treating with us! We had a blast! Next year we will try something different where we dont stand in line for 2 minutes at each house to get candy!