Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Princess and the Potty

Ever since Marki was potty trained she just couldn't conceive the concept of peeing outdoors. We were on our way to Montana when she was just 2 and she had to go really bad. Being in the middle of nowhere after hitting the Montana border we pulled over for her to go. She got out of the car, looked around and asked where the bathroom was. I explained that she'd have to pee on the ground and I wish I could have captured the look she gave me. That 'are you crazy' look. Suffice to say, she refused to go and held it about 30 more minutes just to use a toilet. Well, that tradition holds true today. For the past few years Marki will scout out all the porta potties while we are camping, fishing, etc. She pays such great attention and she'll say, "I don't have to pee on the ground. There was a bathroom just down the road a bit." I love her. She is the best camper I know but she'll have her princess high heels on, (I have to bring her other shoes), and keeps her eye's open for bathroom's along the way. We did have success this trip. She peed behind a bush but was not a happy camper about it. I love you and your adorableness. Don't ever change baby.