Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Summer of Orange

Well, it's official! I am now done with my summer shopping. Oh, what fun little girls are to shop for. Acutally, shopping for boys is just as fun for me. Levi, however, will not wear anything that is not a "sports" shirt and it's a battle to get him to wear anything else. Oliver, well he get's Levi's hand-me-downs. Sorry about that Oliver. I know you don't mind now but when you do we'll get you your very own new clothes.
Marki has always had her own style. I love taking her shopping and letting her pick out what she likes. It may not always be what I like but I've gotten better at letting her be her own girl. For instance, her clothing has to say "Daddy's Girl, or be the color orange. So, most of her summer cothing is just that....Daddy's Girl or orange. Well girlie, you have plenty of orange clothes to see you through the summer. The only thing we have left is to pick out earings. It will be fun to see what she picks out. That will probably be my next blog. How fun!


Kami Satterlee said...

Yeah for Marki! Boo For Mom!haha Doesn't it suck that kids grow so fast and we are constantly trying to throw newer clothes on them to keep up!haha You're a great mom friend!:)