Thursday, December 11, 2008

Santa Claus Aint Coming to Town

Depending on how things go tomorrow Santa may have to miss the Benjamin household and try again next year. Marki and Lee have had some trouble listing to me and today, well lets see...Expensive books ripped to shreds, flooded bathroom, breaking toys, breaking christmas ornaments, pouting, screaming, crying, and that's just today! I am sooooooooooo glad it's bedtime. Today was just one of those days that just got worse and worse as the day went on. Marki has not been listing lately and Lee...welcome terrible two's!!! I think I am partly to blame since I usually keep Levi very close while I am cleaning, cooking, changing diapers, ect and I try to give him "little helper jobs" that he so loves, But today was just so hectic. I didn't get my time in with the kids that I usually get and it is apparent they were trying to get my attention. I am going to go to sleep now and pray tomorrow will be a better day and I'll be on top of my game.


Kami Satterlee said...

Ok, then all you need to do is pick up the phone and say "kami, I'm about to lose my mind can you watch my children while I breath? and I will say OF COURSE!!call me!