Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Lee!

We celebrated Levi's 2nd Birthday yesterday,(his real birthday is on November 18th), by going to planet kid and swimming at the Holiday Inn. We also watched the Broncos play Idaho at the Holiday Inn's tailgate party. We thought this appropriate since Levi was born during a Bronco's game and the fact that Lee loves to watch football.
The theme was "Batman" and he had batman everything! It was so adorable to watch him open gifts. He is such a polite little boy. While opening every gift he would act like it was the greatest thing EVER!
Lee almost knows his whole alphabet and can count to 10. He is such a smart boy! He makes me laugh every day just like his dad.
Levi, I love you so much. You amaze me and I love watching your face when you are excited about something. You truely are an amazing little one and you are so fun. I am blessed to be your mom. I love your snuggles every morning. I love you.