Marki got to have her 5th Birthday at the Kuna Castle. She has been so excited and so were her friends. Snow White, Cinderella, and Prince Charming were all there to celebrate with her. And carriage rides too! It was a magical day and we all had a great time. Family came from Montana as well to give her 5 spankins.
Getting ready to get to her party. One of the tiara's that she is wearing is one I wore on my wedding day!
Our babies.

Marki and Me.

I love her.

Did I just do this picture???

Her royal wave.

So happy

Her cake.

5 Years....Can you believe it!

Princess Marki.

Greeting her guests. She would look out the window and say, "There is another princess coming!"

Marki and London.

Trying on the glass slipper. You should have seen her face (all the princesses faces) when they were told they were not the right princess!

Blowing out candles. Look at me in the back ground. I have no idea that my baby just blew out her 5 candles!

When Marki opened Malia's card she read it outloud. "Dear Marki, you are my very best friend and I want you to come and spend the night. We will have lot's of fun. Love, Malia." That is not wrote but so cute.

The stripper. Apparently Oliver starting stripping while Marki was blowing out her candles. No, we didn't order this stripper but it was a cute touch:)

The staircase.

Gift opening time. One spoiled girl.

This castle looked just like the one we were in :)

Loving her Cinderella doll.

Oh Marki, you are too funny. :)

Marki and her most favorite princess, Cinderella.

Her cake. They put her picture in with all the disney princesses.

Marki, Cinderella, and Prince Charming.

The party from above.

Eisley and Lilly. Lilly kept thanking me for allowing her to come with her sister. She is so sweet

Making there exit to the carriage.

Erynn and Olli

The line waiting to ride in the carriage.

The carriage rides were a big hit.

"marki, do you want me to ride with you?" "No mom, I'm good."

Marki received a beautiful necklace and ring for being the birthday princess.

Making her grand entrance.

My darling daughter did not want me in the carriage. She wanted to be a big girl by herself.

Marki and her daddy.

Waiting for carriage rides

I love this picture.

Marki and her cupcake.

Princess Olli???

Irene, Brandon, Joy, and London.

Princess Marki and Princess Makayla

So happy.

Happy Birthday Marki Lyn! We can't believe she is 5!

A dance with daddy.

Waving to her royal subjects.

My precious Levi.

Sweet 5 year old girl.

The clock has struck midnight.

Thank you daddy for my wonderful princess party! What is funny is that Marki lost her glass slipper she was wearing and the prince charming found it.

Ok. There are literally 1000 pictures to choose from. When I started the blog I Had intended on putting all pictures of friends and such and by the time I got though I was so tired I didn't know what I was putting up! :) I will have more soon. :) I will get pictures of Marki, Malia, Cheyenne, and London on here soon too.
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