Seattle vs Chicago
Thanking my hunny for such a wonderful trip.
Quest arena. Isn't it beautiful!

Getting excited to get to our seats.

The view.
Seahawks running onto the field. We got to see the hawk they trained to fly around. I kept wishing for my gun:) Just kidding.

National anthem made me tear up. They did a great job.

So excited to be here. We were not expecting what was about to happen..........Would cops be involved???
Hmmmm. Let's see........

Do you see that woman above Mark and I??? She is wearing sunglasses and a hat??? Yes, that is a woman. Her girlfriend and son are beside her on the very left...anyway...

Blue man

There they are.

Squishing the bears.

Frank and his bugle he illegally brought in :)

Frank and Kayla Benjamin.
SMile Frank!

Maybe you don't know exactly how protective I am of my husband. You mess with him...You get psycho Cara.

It all started when four innocent people drove from Montana and Idaho to catch a
Seahawks game. Mark and Frank are HUGE
Seahawks fans so we thought we would enjoy a game which we did. However, it's us, so of course something big is going to happen to disgruntle us a bit. During the game a woman who sat behind us shouted nonstop "GO BEARS" in the most shrill voice you could ever imagine. It was so unbelievably loud in that stadium that you could just block her out for the most part. By the fourth quarter she became so increasingly annoying, screaming constantly and getting upset with us when we would cheer for our team. So the personal jiving started. We ignored her of course. You could tell she wanted to fight which I think is totally ridiculous. So you pop an Excedrin and hope her voice gives out. We all shrug it off, (and I mean the entire section we were in were tired of her by now), and this woman keeps screaming 1st DOWN 1st DOWN after every play. Mark says loudly, "That's not a first down" Thinking it would get her to stop yelling 1st Down in that shrill voice. It only fueled her fire. She paid attention to everything we did and would yell at us, YOUR STILL LOSING!!! when we cheered a great play. Again, we ignore it. Then during one particular play the entire place stands up to cheer "D - Fence". She tells her girlfriend that we are rude for standing so she couldn't watch the game. I was going to ask Kayla to go down and get something to drink or eat with me so I could get away from her. She started in on me standing up to leave. I turned around (keep in mind I haven't seen her yet, just heard her) and told her I was not trying to anger her I was just getting up to leave. I was scared just looking at her. Then she tried fighting with me. Frank said he'd switch seats with me so I did. I thought maybe things would settle down but they were just starting.......She kept yelling at me and I was shaking so much and couldn't feel my legs. I don't like to fight with people so I just don't. She was screaming
obscenities so Kayla and I reminded her that she was at a game with her little boy and she was being
inappropriate. Her son looked so sad the entire time. Then she screamed right in Mark's ear "GO BEARS" Mark shrugged her off. She thought she was pretty funny so she did it again... and again, and again. He shrugged her off once again and continued to ignore her. Then she started ranting that Mark punched her and how could he hit a woman?? I saw no woman there mind you...I started yelling at her to sit down and enjoy the game and stop lying. We have a crowd watching us now getting really upset with her. She continued to yell at me saying "Your husband just punched me. What a great guy. He just hit me!" Everyone there knew he didnt punch her and we all just wanted this to end. So I hear her saying that she is going to punch Mark. I told her to settle down and she kept on insisting Mark hit her and she was going to hit him back. I look over at Kayla and she says "I think she is really going to punch him" Well, she did. She punched him in the back and he landed on a little old man right in front of him. Mark gets up and just stands there acting like nothing happened. I was not happy. I went to jump on her and beat her up (stop laughing) but Mark was holding me back. Lucky for her too because I would have done some damage to that woman. I may be small and frail but no one messes with my hubby! :) Now we have drawn a much larger crowed. Now I am angry and screaming just like she is. Yikes. All I want to do is enjoy myself and now I have to kick some A**! Mark somehow manages to calm me down and my sister-in-law has gone to get the cops. That's when the spitting starts. I didn't know about the spitting until a lady above me told me after the fact. She spit on Mark and Frank until the cops came. Kayla was walking back through to her seat when the psyco lady grabs her and asks if she has a problem with her. He girlfriend tried to get her to settle down and she punched her girlfriend who landed on her son. The cops took her to the ground and arrested her. Everyone was screaming, "Get her out of here!" and cheering. I really wanted to take her picture the whole time but I thought she'd break my camera and my face. We figured the bears fans behind us were with her so I didn't take pictures of the arrest at first. They did comment when I did take a picture that it was rude. Never a dull moment with the Benjamins.

She is being taken away. She is in the orange jersey and white hat. I wish I had gotten pics of the whole ordeal but of course I worry about what others would think.

People thanked us for getting her out of there.

We eventually made friends with the people behind us. They didn't realize all that was going on until the end.
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