I am so proud of my little racers!!! They did a GREAT job! My dad and stepmom meet the kids at the finish line every year and Marki ran like a champ to get to them. Uncle D ran with Marki (she wouldn't have it any other way) and Lee ran with his daddy.
Waiting for their race to begin.
Letting her Uncle D she was going to win! She wanted to try and run by herself until she saw Uncle D.

At the starting line.

And she's off. I parked at the finish line and ran back to get the camera. Marki passed me quickly and when I got the camera from Mark and Lee I ran ahead to make sure I got to the finish line to take pictures of her.....I am embarressed because she REALLY REALLY beat me! I used to be able to run 10 miles and not even be winded. I guess I better get back in the saddle and run again. I gave the camera to my brother because she was running so fast. He got the finish line pictures while I stumbled behind. I am really embarrassed that she beat me!

Wait Marki! I need to take your picture!

At the beginning of her race.

You guys are on your own....I'm about to make my big finish.

Lee crossing the finish line. I am SO PROUD of you Levi!!!

Running to mama. He picked those weeds for me during the race. I love him.

Here you go mom. I got them special for you!

Daddy telling Levi how proud he was of him. You could tell he felt proud of himself.

Smooch from Poppy. Marki was whining after mass about the snacks I had thrown away while they were in religious ed. I got her to stop quick as a whip when I mentioned that her Poppy was in Boise waiting for her. She ran to one of her friends and told her that she had to go...her Poppy was waiting for her.

Oliver cheering on his sister and brother. Next year buddy you'll be doing this!

Lee with his medal.

So proud.

Classic Levi. So sweet.

What a great day!
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