Papa and Gramma Goose had a great time with the kids while we were gone. They kept up with our busy schedule and took the kids to the Zoo and did lot's of projects. This is what they did while we were gone.
Who needs a pool when you've got a bucket:)

No Diving.

At the zoo.

My three little sweethearts.



Lion's and Tiger's and Bear's...Oh my!

Mark loves this picture. I do too.

The carousel.


Marki apparently started driving while we were away...See Mark, I told you we'd miss a lot! :)

We got a new puppy.

Marki scored 4 goals at her soccer game. Go Cougars!!!!!

The school bus:) Thank you so much Tracey for picking them up!!!!!

They were soooo excited! Marki doesn't like it when I help out at school with field trips because she doesn't get to ride in Tracey's van. Brandon is sitting by Marki.

Gramma's famous tea parties.
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