This was my most favorite thing to do while in Seattle. We had such a great time and the best seats. Who can complain about watching Griffey hit a home run! We sat by a whole bunch of people from Japan with huge signs. They showed them a lot. We thought for sure we'd be on tv but to no avail. Next year we will bring the kids.
I took a picture of the field from every angle.
Felix Hernandez.
Mark Lowe
Mark Lowe
The Mariners game was the last hoorah for us. We headed back the next day. I couldn't wait to see my babies. Five days was WAY TOO LONG for me to be away. I came back to Oliver saying so many new words. Two new teeth breaking through. Olivers foot grew a size and a half. Levi now pronounces his R's very well. He now says Marki instead of Mahki. I was a little disapointed in that one. Marki grew a few inches and well as Levi or so it seemed. Yikes! I wasn't prepared to see different children after just 5 days. Marki asked me never to leave home again because she missed me so. Levi told his grandparents that they could go back to work so his mom and dad could come home:) They did have a great time with their grandparents. Thank you Jack and Lynn. I really love the necklace Marki made me for my return. I will wear it always. (I have a picture of it that I'll put on here later.)
So so so many more pictures to come. We had a blast. I will try to get them on here tomorrow.
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