You go outside and catch tumble weeds while trying not to blow away yourself!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Marki's Birth
You were due on October 18th. Everyone told me that I'd be over due and I believed them. Especially since every ultrasound I had pushed the date back farther and farther. So imagine our surprise when on October 16 my contractions (that I'd be having on and off for a few days) start getting a little hard to get through. I remember walking over to your daddy and saying "I think it's going to happen tonight!" Again, no one believed it. Your dad thought I'd be sent home since the contractions were going from 5 minutes apart (and painful!) to 10 minutes apart. Then I became horribly sick. I don't think I've ever been that sick in my life! The contractions were pretty painful already. I wanted to have a natural child birth but before I even left the house I was marching up and down informing my husband that I was getting drugs as soon as I walked in the door:) Plus, I was going to the hospital and demanding that I be admitted although the contractions were still not close enough. So, your daddy loving took me to the hospital totally thinking we would be sent right back home until my contractions were closer.
I walk in the ER and ask were I am to go. The contractions were getting closer and I you could tell I was in pain. Everyone had a big smile on their face as they told me where to go. I had to walk down a very long hallway to an elevator. I had to stop for a contraction and two people got out of the elevator and started laughing at me. I was not amused at the time. When I got to the right floor they had to check me. Only 3cm. Plus, the contractions I was having were still not close enough. The Doctor said to send me home. It was my wonderful nurse who told the dr. that I was really uncomfortable and that she thought I should stay. I was still very sick and having to run to the bathroom quite often. Well, thanks to the nurse I got to stay. And guess what! I was the first to give birth out of about 6 women that night.
So I get into my room and we are so excited we call everyone. It is about 10pm at night. My contractions are getting worse and I am hyperventilating with every contraction. It was so weird. Like my body was taking over and I couldn't breathe properly. I ask nicely when I can get an epidural and the nurse says as soon as they get a hold of the doctor. Ok. I can deal with this til then. I always believed that labor was super painful. Oh my was I realizing just how much! Hours and hours went by and still no epidural. Every time I asked I'd get the same answer, "Oh as soon as we get a hold of the doctor." If I could have I'd have gotten up and found the Doctor myself! *The doctor that delivered you was not your regular Doctor thank God! She was not a good doctor and quite frankly scared the pants off of Mark and I.*
Finally! Not too many pushes and you were here! I got to deliver you myself. I took ahold of you under your arms and pulled you up on my stomach. Oh Marki, I have never seen such a beautiful perfect little baby in my life. I was warned that babies come out looking all scrunched and ugly. You were perfect. I was in disbelief that the precious baby we had been waiting 9 months for was actually here. Your daddy cried:) He was so happy. Did I tell you that right after we found out we were having a girl he went straight to the store and bought you 2 dresses. One pink dress and one blue. I still have them.
I love you so much and I love the girl you are. You are a blessing to us. Thank you for making me a momma and thank you for being you.
*I do have more to add at a later date. It is getting late so I am doing this quickly. More will come to mind later. :)
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 23, 2009
My Best Friend
Marki and Malia This little girl is Malia Satterlee.....aka Marki's best friend.

Posted by CaraBenjamin at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Marki and her daddy have danced to this song since she was just tiny. I thought I'd get some things together to make a nice slide show for Mark. It is a little rusty and I need to make some changes. I am new to all of this but I wanted to get this on here. There will be a tiny marki singing this song to the guitar soon. Enjoy!
To Daddy: My first knight in shining armor
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
A Party Fit For A Princess
Marki got to have her 5th Birthday at the Kuna Castle. She has been so excited and so were her friends. Snow White, Cinderella, and Prince Charming were all there to celebrate with her. And carriage rides too! It was a magical day and we all had a great time. Family came from Montana as well to give her 5 spankins.
Getting ready to get to her party. One of the tiara's that she is wearing is one I wore on my wedding day! Our babies.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 9:19 PM 0 comments