Saturday, May 26, 2012

Levi graduates preschool

Levi started Small Wonders Preschool when he was 3.  He got to show his little brother the ropes this year as Oliver started his first year at Small Wonders.  I still can't believe Lee has graduated and is on to Kindergarten.  My super smiley happy baby is now a big smiley happy big boy and is more than ready for K!  This kid loves to learn and we are so very proud of him.  Thank you Arisa and Tracey for being so wonderful and the best teachers these little minds could ask for!  You guys ROCK!

Here are some pics of grad day.

Best Brothers

 Levi has wanted to be a fireman since he learned to talk.  He can't wait to go to work with his Daddy some day ;)  He talks about it all the time.  Of couse, Daddy couldn't be prouder!
 When Oliver got up to speak he caught us off guard and brought tears to Mark's eyes.  He went up to the microphone and confidently said, "When I grow up I want to be a Daddy!"  It was so unexpected and so sweet.  We are so proud of you Oli!
 Pieces and Marki.  They graduated from Small Wonders together when they were in PreK.
 Levi leading his class.
 Here comes Oli!
 So cute!
 Here Levi is roaring his Dad and Oli is super cute.
 Miss Tracey and Miss Arisa.  Love these girls!
 The pledge.
 If you are happy and you know it clap your hands!

 If you are happy and you know it shout Hoorah....HOORAH!  Oli got some air on this one.
 Snap goes the crockadile.
 Oli on his way to get his diploma
 About to make us cry...
 I want to be a Daddy when I grow up!
 Levi recieving his diploma.
 I want to be a fireman like my Dad!
 Love him.
 Snack time.
 The next 5 pictures are the stages of Oli eating a cupcake.

 Levi is so sweet.  He made sure to get everyone snacks.
 They sure love their teachers!
 Levi snuggled Tracey for the longest time.
 Miss Arisa.
 All 3 sweethearts.