Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Family Day at the Fire Station

Every month we have a family day at Mark's station. Mark organizes it and cooks the meal for all the firemen and their families. I love everyone Mark works with and love chatting with the wives while our children play. This month the kids got to have a bounce house in the conference room. They had a blast going from jumping to sliding down the fire pole. Marki Lyn can climb up the pole all by herself. Mark told her when she was able to do that she could go down by herself so she went and did it. Levi slides down with daddy since mommy is not comfortable. Marki is so brave to slide down on her own. I don't even want to do it! Oliver loves it when I put him up on the pole and slide him down. Trouble is he wants to do it non stop!

There was a police officer there and I asked him to come and talk to Levi about his seat belt. He likes to take it off while I am driving and I thought I'd ask him to talk to Lee about it. The officer was great and told Levi not to take it off because it was to protect him from getting hurt. He also told him it was the law and that he should make his mom and dad wore their seat belt too. It worked! Levi makes sure he is buckled and reminds me that the cop told him to be safe. I am grateful to that cop!

I can't wait til the next family day. I didn't get to take any pictures. Too bad because the bounce house was so cool! Thanks Mark for organizing this each month and for cooking such wonderful food!

(After the cop left all the kids started playing cops and robbers. One little girl was taking Marki to jail and said, "You are under arrest for drinking your mother's wine!" Her mom was super embarrassed. Oh the things kids say!)