Thursday, March 4, 2010

18 Months Today!

You prefer your sister to read to you.

Well kido. You are a year and a half today. I am still in disbelief. You are incredibly smart. You know lots of words but you still like to babble with the words. You understand everything I say. I can ask you to do something and you do it. You find your brother and sister completely hilarious and love them to pieces. The fighting over you in the morning still continues. Everyone loves your first snuggles. They are the best. You wake up in a great mood every morning although some days I think the terrible two's are starting early:) We love you to pieces Olli!

Likes: Music
Jumping on the bed.
Jumping in general.
Escaping outside. You LOVE playing outside.
You love making people laugh
You love bath time
You love swinging and when Marki takes you down the slide.
You like to get into trouble
You love to climb. You have no fear.
You love books
You love to tell people no