I got to spend some time with my brother in DC this past week. I hadn't seen him in 2 years to the date. We had a blast. We didn't to a whole lot of touring. I used to live in DC and it's Scott's second home so we opted to take it easy and visit rather than tour every day. I tried to find the pictures from when I used to live here but I need to keep looking. I hope the are not lost!
I told Marki and Levi that this was a pirate's ship.

Here I am sailing the pirate ship:)

The first time I'd eaten in a hard rock cafe.

The Spy museum. Scott and I didn't go this time. My dad and I went years ago and it was NOT worth it!

Where Lincoln died.

Ford's Theater.

The gun that killed Lincoln.

The bed he died in.

The room he died in.

The White House.

The Washington Monument.

A close up of the White house.

Once again...the Washington Monument.

Lincoln memorial. We didn't get close enough to see the big statue of Lincoln but I will post my old pictures eventally on here.

The Capitol.

Scott and I were thinking of you Damon.

The best fried shrimp and cream cheese wontons ever!

Midieval Times. Scott and I were going to eat here until we checked the price. I have always wanted to eat here since The Cable Guy but it didn't seem worth it.

One thing I did in DC that I had never done before is go to the Holocaust museum. I have always wanted to go back just to go there. It was very haunting. Very sad. I would love to go into details about this museum but their are young children who read my blog so I will put those details in my second blog which I am in the process of making.
Scott and I also went to the National Aquarium which was also neat. I didn't think they could top the one in Newport, OR but is was super cool. The only thing I didn't get to do was go to Georgetown. I love the Cathedral there. Last time my dad and I lit candles in prayer. I hope to do that there again someday.
Thank you Scott for putting up with me for 3 days. I had a great time and hope to see you and your family again really soon. Love ya.
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