Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Levi's Grand Arrival

Your daddy and I found out we were pregnant with you on March 16th, 2006. We had been waiting to hear the news for six months and finally it happened. We couldn't have been more excited. Daddy had his little princess and so he really really wanted a boy. I had such bad morning sickness for the first 4 months. Much different from my pregnancy with you sister. I took this as a sign that you might be a boy. I remember going to your ultrasound appointment where we were to find out if you were going to be a boy or a girl and wishing daddy could be there. (He was in the Boise fire recruit academy and could not get off work to come with). Your sister told me on the drive over that she was going to have a sister. :) She had previously told me that you were going to be her brother.....So,

I met my friend Jamie at the dr's office. She came in with me to hear the result. Then the doctor revealed that you were a boy. Jamie went crazy screaming in glee. I was so so so so happy. We had a girl and a boy. How wonderful! Now to tell daddy. I went to the store and bought a card and put your ultrasound picture (of your penis) in a card. I tried to trick him by getting a card in pink and purple colors so when he opened it he would be fooled. I can be tricky like that.

His face just lit up when he realized he was getting his boy. He didn't even notice the card colors. Just the it's a boy with an arrow to your area. Marki was very excited she was going to be a big sister to you. She always rubbed my tummy, talked to you, and kissed my belly all the time.


I woke up the morning of the 18 of November to some pretty big contractions. I knew you would be born that day. I just knew it. Daddy and I packed up to go to the hospital and since I was comparing it to my labor with Marki I thought I'd be sent home. Nope, I measured 6 cm. I couldn't believe it! I was in drop dead pain with Marki at 6cm. I though, "Oh yeah, this is a breeze...I don't need pain medication at all." Then it happened...the big pain!

Marki had been with me the whole time and I was starting to not do well with the contractions so I had my mom take her out. Your sister walked over to me during one of my contraction and said, "It's okay mommy, you'll be okay" while rubbing my hand. I will never forget that.

The anaesthesiologist came in to give me my epidural. It wasn't bad when they did it with Marki but this guy hurt me so bad I just wanted him to leave. He dug in my back for so long and that was painful in itself. He did not succeed so I had to have you with no pain meds. (OUCH) If only I had the breathing technique I did with Oliver. That did make labor so much better. Anyway,

We learned that you had a heart arrhythmia during labor. This made me nervous of course but they assured me it was normal. They just wanted to watch it.


Your doctor had to go and do a Cesarean section so he was gone. I started feeling the urge to push and it was so overpowering that I couldn't stop pushing. The nurse freaked out and kept begging me to stop pushing. She called the doctor and asked when he could be there. Not anytime soon was his answer. I remember her looking at me and saying, "She's going to have this baby in about 5 minutes!" She is still screaming at me to stop pushing....begging me to stop pushing. I also remember thinking "I CAN NOT DO THIS FOR 5 MORE MINUTES!" 5 minuets seemed like an eternity. Well she was wrong. I pushed for another half hour! Turns out I wasn't pushing hard enough to do anything. I was pushing against the contraction because your body makes you do it. But the harder you push, the worse the pain is.


Your birth just happened to be during a Boise State football game:) It was quite funny, (not at the time) but the doctor had come in while I was in labor and noticed the game was not on. I was watching the western movie Tombstone. Well, okay, I wasn't exactly watching TV but that is what was on the channel. He turned to me and said, "Do you really want your child born to this movie?" I wanted to scream, "I really don't care what is on the TV. Are you kidding me?? Turn the damn thing off!" ***Montana State was playing Uof M that day too***

So the doctor put the Boise state game on and he and the nurses turned to watch it while I was pushing. They were also talking about the game too while I am in misery. Daddy was delivering you so I guess they weren't too worried about watching.

So after yelling at me to push harder, you started to come out. The nurse looked over at me and asked if I wanted to sit up and look. I shook my head no. I looked with Marki and about passed out when I saw. One more push and you were out, the pain just stopped. And there you were, a tiny little bundle of joy. Daddy delivered you and didn't give you to anyone else for a long time.

Your sister came in and exclaimed, "It's a real baby!" That's when she took over and mothered you. She has acted like your mother ever since!

Your heart arrhythmia went away after a few days and we brought you home. You were such a good baby. Hardly crying at all. I still remember the first time you peed on me. It was 4am and Daddy and I laughed so hard. Having a boy was definitely different. :)

We love you so much Levi and we love the boy you are. You are a true boy. Loving everything boy there is. Your sports you watch and like to play are: hockey, football, baseball, and soccer. You have such true talent in anything you do. You are like your dad. You are a little comedian and you have such confidence. Everyone who meets you falls in love with you. You are quite the charmer. You love your family, sports, swinging, swimming, Preschool, riding your Boise state bronco's bike, skateboarding, my friend Kami's boobs, helping me sweep, and visiting daddy at the fire station.

You dislike the picture of Marki and your dad dressed as fire fighter's. You find it and carry it around with you and when I ask what you have you start in on this lecture of how you and your dad don't have a picture like it. I'll take that picture for you baby.

Thank you for being such a wonderful little boy. You are so sweet and thoughtful. You are also quite the handful. We love you more than could ever be measured. Thank you for your snuggles in the morning and asking me every morning to marry you. I love you.