This year we celebrated Levi's birthday at Wahooz Family Fun Zone. Lee had a great time.
Here he is wrapped up in tickets. Apparently the kids wrapped him up and then had to unwrap him. Then he go to keep the tickets. Who is in charge of these games?
Marki trying to get them off.

Let's get this party started. Where's the cake?

Yummy Pizza!

Marki admiring the orange napkins.

Carter and Marki.

Opening gifts.

Helping open.

Batman gun from Tyler, Pieces, and Megan. (My friend Tracey's kids)

There it is...The batman 5000.

Walkitalki's from nana.


The cake.

Make a wish!

Aunt Alison and Lee playing hockey.

Score! Every time he made a goal he would yell score and throw his hand in the air.

Score again! He even is excited when you score.

Riding the motorcycle. Lee was too small to ride the go carts. He was very sad about that.

There he goes.

A new game.

Loving his rifle and pistol from the Fewkes.

Batman car from Papa Jack and Gramma Lynn.
We sure had fun watching you play Levi. You are getting so big and you are such a fun boy. Thank you for being a little ham the past 3 years. Keep it up...we LOVE it! Smooch!
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