*Can say Dadda, No, Mama, Nana, Papa, Cheese, Good night daddy, (No i'm not kidding. Ask Mark) Ball, and can repeat a lot of things you say. I'm sure I'm leaving some out.
*Loves to make you laugh. When you tickle him he'll tickle you back.
*Loves to ride his rocking horse.
*Likes to play with his brother and sister. Well, atleast he likes to play with Marki. Lee is still a little rough.
*He can tell you what he wants now by going and getting his milk cup or going to his highchair to tell you he is hungry. He'll bring you a diaper. If you ask him to get you something he'll go get it. He's been able to do that for a while.
*He loves to give kisses and hugs.
I have some cute videos of him that I'll get on here soon! My husband has just informed me that I need to go to bed because he can here me typing and it's keeping him up. Horray for blogging!
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