And I did it!
I love ROBIE!
My brother took this picture of me right when we started running. I think I am just realizing that I am about to go 13.1 miles most of which is uphill!

Mark took this picture of the finish line before any racers finished.

Right before the race started.

My number. After going about two miles I hear someone yell out, "Keep smiling 170! Smile like that the whole way!" I realized I had a permanent smile on my face that I couldn't get off. I must have looked like a freak! I was just so excited to be doing this.

Right before the race started.

The view from the first few miles.

Just a few of the many many awesome supporters along the way.

I passed all these hikers:) They probably passed me right back.

Mile four seemed to appear quickly.

I started to get blisters at about mile 6. It made for a very unpleasant 7 miles! I think I lost my pinky toe somewhere after the summit.

Running along.

Red Bull. Just in time! I saw the red bull flags and thought to myself how wonderful it would be if they were actually giving it out. To my surprise they were. It gave me the boost I needed to finish the climb to the top although it did not do well with my stomache. In the future I will not be getting the Red Bull drink!

Top of the summit.

It's all down hill from here. This was the flatest part of the descent. I am still trying to find out what was worse. The climb up, mainy mile 7-8, or the bone jarring descent. You were kind of forced to run the last half of it. I also have to say it was easier to jog up the mountain than walk. A very slow jog of course. It smelled so good here.

Almost there.

The last mile. What a wonderful sight!

The best sight ever was seeing my husband when I crossed the finish line. I forgot to give him his bus pass and worried he wouldn't get there. But, he was there for me like he always is. I love you baby!

The after party. I didn't want to stay too long. I wanted to get back to my babies.

The blue Robie Creek crayons I got for finishing. Perfect for Marki and Levi.

Being silly.

I got these shoes for mother's day two years ago. They have taken me many miles:) I now have a nice shoe charm for doing Robie.

The bus ride home. Little did I know that I'd have to walk another 2 miles to get to our car!
Jesus loves you
Me at the finish line blowing my hubby a kiss.
Mark, I could not have done this without you. You are a constant support and have such faith in me. Thank you for believing in me!
Way to go friend! Not only did you finish but you looked super sexy the whole way! i WOULD BE SWEATING LIKE A PIG! You hair is still perfect, I'm so jealous:)
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