Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Cyclones vs Rockets: Marki's very first game!

If you ever want to watch some real entertainment, you need to go and watch 4-5 years old play T-ball. All those adorable little kids out on the field that have no idea what T-ball really even is. God Bless Doug and Mark who have the patience of Saints.

Let's see....When we got to the field, Marki was being chased by all the boys on the team. Uh-oh Mark. And she LOVED it. Coach Doug got all the little ones together and tried desperately to keep their attention. This was their first game so no one really knew what to expect from these T-ball players. What we were about to see was just truly entertaining.

Marki's team was the first to bat. The boy who was up to bat first, hit the ball and ran straight to second. All the kids ran to the ball no matter what position they were playing. Some fought over the ball. Marki caught a grounder and two boys on her team tried to take it from her. Two boys from the other team were fighting over the ball too. At times there were two kids on a base. It was so cute. There was no winning or losing team. They just let the kids get up and bat and then switch when everyone had a chance. I loved that. Marki had a blast.

Marki and Chandler chatting.
Getting ready.

Marki and Chandler chatting once again. They had to be separated.
Olli cheering on his sister while playing catch with Lee.
Levi waiting his turn to play T-ball. He doesn't understand why, when he is so patient, that he never gets a turn.
Marki running for the ball. Go number 1!
Waiting in the Congratulations line.
Eating a snack. It was a tradition of Mark's dad to bring oranges and capri suns to the game. It was our turn to bring snacks so we carried on the tradition.
Marki showing off her grass stains.
To conclude the day, Marki and Levi fought over who was going to drive the Fire Truck.
Marki's first time up to bat in a game. She did GREAT! We are so proud of you Marki!

The congratulations line