I have to start with this picture of a goose Marki drew. Impressive.
Miss Mark waiting to hunt eggs. It's a good thing she is from Montana. She has an advantage.


Oh Lee. I love you so.

Levi spotting the Easter Bunny.

Meeting the Bunny.

Patiently waiting.

Field of eggs before the attack.

Oliver all bundled up.

Levi was so proud of that egg! He stood there showing us forever.

A job well done. After this picture was taken Marki filled up Lee's basket with some of her eggs. She is so thoughtful.

All dressed up for mass at Risen Christ Catholic Community.

Marki getting ready to do the sign of the cross.

Look what the Easter Bunny brought us!

The neighborhood hunt.


All the neighborhood kids.

Papa taught me to pump!

Swinging on a nice Easter day.

Climbing the tree once again.

I love this picture! Good job Mark.

I love this picture too!

What a handsome boy!

So cool.

You look so adorable dressed up Lee.

Olli O. Sweet sweet boy.

The Easter Bunny made an appearence at our house too. Isn't she the most beautiful bunny EVER!

Eating their chocolate race cars.

Oliver couldn't get any cuter if he tried.

Dying Eggs
Easter Egg Hunt at the High School.
The nighborhood hunt
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