Our first day in Seattle we went to the Zoo. Marki made a picture book for her class and taught them about all the amimals when she got back. She also had to write a paper about her trip. I hope to get that on here.
Marki feeling a penguin egg.
I liked this little guy.

The boys

Levi always poses in karate style these days.

On our way to find the gorillas. Levi wanted to see them so bad. They were highly entertaining.

Can you find the cheetah?

In the tropical part. Way too steamy.

This guy didn't want his pic taken.

Levi is quite good with a map.

Oliver too.


Love all her faces.

Where to now?

Flower bugs. I can't remember their names.


Can you find the stick bug? Marki's fav.

Freak me out!

Good old fashioned cow milking

Thinking of Poppy.

Marki's turn to take us around.

Oliver cried because he wanted to swim with the hippo.

This is what he got.



This elephant danced for us.

Sweet Lee.

Watching the elephants.

Strike a pose.

Lee's turn

Anything they can do I can do too!
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