Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Marki's School Play

This year Marki got a part in her school play. Crimson Point had two days where they would have about 10 kids take turns with lead parts. Marki was "Molly" a little girl who gives her heart to Melton the snowboy, or girl in this instance. He begins to melt as soon as she puts the heart around the snowgirl. The rest of the play the try and figure out how to save Melton from Melting. It was super cute. Here she is on day one. My little reindeer. I bravely took the boys by myself to day one of the play.
So after an hour of the play it seems to be wrapping up. The music teacher goes to make a comment and Levi pipes up "Oh please don't let them start another one!" Everyone around us started laughing so hard while I am giving him my dagger eyes.

Here she is on her debut day.

Marki and Taylor

Singing her heart out! As always.

Our little star.

Marki, you did such an amazing job! Daddy and I are SO proud of you. Keep shining my little star.

Levi, I can't wait to see you in a play when you get to first grade. I have a feeling you will keep people laughing for days;)