Last Friday Mark and I braved the mall so the kids could see Santa. Here are some pictures of the kids standing in line. It was hard to get Marki to cooperate. If she isn't in the mood for picutres don't count on it happening:) Levi always gives gold.
Levi wants a 4 wheeler just like his friend Brandon's. It is the only thing he has asked for. Mark took him aside after finding out the price and told him that it wouldn't fit in Santa's sleigh. It didn't seem to phase him because he is CONFIDENT that Santa will bring him a red 4 wheeler. You can't tell him otherwise.
Marki asked for a Barbie car that she can drive. We told her the same thing...that Santa had lot's of gifts to bring and the car wouldn't fit. She understood and asked for a boat:) (A bathtub boat for Oliver to play with in the tub. He recently got a fishing pole and fish for the tub so of course your going to need a boat) I couldn't quite get out of her what she wanted. I'll have to ask Mark what she said to Santa because I was taking pictures and filming at the time.
Levi, the great little brother he is, told Marki not to worry, he'd ask Santa for a barbie 4 wheeler instead of his red one so she'd be happy. I love that sweet boy.
(Hmmm. Well have to wait and see what Santa brings;)
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