I had a little bit of the bah humbugs this Christmas. It's really hard to be away from your family and friends during this time of year. I was lucky to see my dad briefly before Christmas but being away really is hard. Mark works every Christmas and because he is as wonderful as he is, offered to work for a B shifter so they could be with their family for 8 hours after we opened gifts. I told him 4 hours would be okay. Christmas eve I was surprised when my husband asked me to go and get something off the front porch. I opened the door and there he was. His captain worked for him so he could come home and play santa. (Mark has worked every christmas since we have been in Idaho so this was his first Santa gig) A big thank you to BK for that! Christmas eve I was not feeling well and was up all night sick. Christmas morning came and Levi groggily came in for his snuggles. He did not notice his 4 wheeler in the living room. A little while later Marki came running in screaming at the top of her lungs that Santa came and brought her what she asked for...a barbie jeep that she could drive! Lee ran out to see his 4 wheeler and I have never seen such big smiles! Santa also brought Oliver a spiderman mini 4 wheeler. I have never seen so many presents under the tree! I did some early Christmas shopping which leads to forgeting what you bought not to mention the grandparents and all their stuff!
Every year Mark and I take the kids (seperately) to the dollar store and the kids pick out a gift for each of us. I love it because the kids take very special care in selecting their gifts. Thought and love is always behind it as it should be. Here is what I got for Christmas from them. Lee bought me bubble bath for all the baths I take. And Marki, well, she picked out a toilet brush... You see, my skin gets dry in the winter and I always ask Mark and the kids to scratch my back. They don't like to do it so Marki always tells me she is going to get me a back scratcher. This year she did just that. Mark said as soon as she saw it, she grabbed it and told him "I know, we can get this for mommy. She can use it to scratch her back. Now she won't ask us to scratch her back."
Here we are putting out reindeer food (Oatmeal)and glitter. This is the saying, "sprinkle on the lawn at night. The moon will make it sparkle bright. As Santa's reindeer fly and roam, this will guide them to your home.
After opening all our gifts I was super sick so I went back to bed for pretty much the whole day. Hopefully next year we will all be healthy! I really feel bad because Marki was so excited to go to Mass in her beautiful dress and we couldn't go due to the flu:( Sorry guys. Oh, the best part. Marki wanted to bake Jesus a birthday cake:) We make my grandma Doris's walnut cinamon rolls instead to celebrate the birth of our Savior. :)
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