Mark took the kids outside and shoveled the snow on the driveway and then proceeded to shovel a road in the snow in our cul-de-sac so the kids could use their gifts from Santa. Thanks Daddy!
Mark took the kids outside and shoveled the snow on the driveway and then proceeded to shovel a road in the snow in our cul-de-sac so the kids could use their gifts from Santa. Thanks Daddy!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 11:18 PM 0 comments
After spending a fortune in the disney store we received two free tickets to the movie "The Princess and the Frog". I tried to take the kids the day after Christmas and didn't realize the timing until we reached the movie theater. The lady told us they were sold out and I had one disapointed Marki on my hands. Daddy told her he would take her and she could dress up like a princess and that seemed to be ok. So, a few days ago Mark took the kids and they had a great time. Mark said a lot of women came up and talked with Marki about her beautiful dress and what a beautiful princess she made. They both behaved very well and ate a whole bunch of candy:) That was their favorite part. Marki did her own hair:)
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 10:24 AM 0 comments
I had a little bit of the bah humbugs this Christmas. It's really hard to be away from your family and friends during this time of year. I was lucky to see my dad briefly before Christmas but being away really is hard. Mark works every Christmas and because he is as wonderful as he is, offered to work for a B shifter so they could be with their family for 8 hours after we opened gifts. I told him 4 hours would be okay. Christmas eve I was surprised when my husband asked me to go and get something off the front porch. I opened the door and there he was. His captain worked for him so he could come home and play santa. (Mark has worked every christmas since we have been in Idaho so this was his first Santa gig) A big thank you to BK for that! Christmas eve I was not feeling well and was up all night sick. Christmas morning came and Levi groggily came in for his snuggles. He did not notice his 4 wheeler in the living room. A little while later Marki came running in screaming at the top of her lungs that Santa came and brought her what she asked for...a barbie jeep that she could drive! Lee ran out to see his 4 wheeler and I have never seen such big smiles! Santa also brought Oliver a spiderman mini 4 wheeler. I have never seen so many presents under the tree! I did some early Christmas shopping which leads to forgeting what you bought not to mention the grandparents and all their stuff!
Every year Mark and I take the kids (seperately) to the dollar store and the kids pick out a gift for each of us. I love it because the kids take very special care in selecting their gifts. Thought and love is always behind it as it should be. Here is what I got for Christmas from them. Lee bought me bubble bath for all the baths I take. And Marki, well, she picked out a toilet brush... You see, my skin gets dry in the winter and I always ask Mark and the kids to scratch my back. They don't like to do it so Marki always tells me she is going to get me a back scratcher. This year she did just that. Mark said as soon as she saw it, she grabbed it and told him "I know, we can get this for mommy. She can use it to scratch her back. Now she won't ask us to scratch her back."
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 2:58 PM 0 comments
I can't do it. I can't cut that out-of-control hair. I know I need to do it soon but the longer I wait the better. My last baby's first hair cut:( In the meantime we get many giggles out of it. I'm not trying to be mean, I just have been having trouble with my kids all getting so big. It's not fair! Oliver is a totally different kid now. He can communicate very well telling you what he wants and needs. You can ask him to do things and he does it. Just this morning I asked him if he wanted some milk and he declared very loudly, "Yes!". When he wakes up in the morning we all still rush to get him. I wonder if this will last through high school. We'll probably all go to his dorm room in college and ohh and ahh over him still. :) He goes to bed so well and wakes up with a smile (knowing he is the most popular person in the family) and then tells you he wants his frog before you pick him up. Then comes the biggest snuggles followed by wanting to get down to play with his brother and sister. He is such a sweet little one. Never fusses much and has such a calm, loving, wonderful nature about him. It doesn't phase him one bit when baseballs, hockey pucks, soccer balls, or baseball bats go flying through the air nearly missing him. He is used to his brother now. He can climb anything. Has been for a while. He mimics everything and truly is becoming such a little boy. All his mannerisms show he is just like his bro and sis. It's really weird to me to see all 3 kids playing together. They are all getting so big. I love every minute of watching them grow.
Oliver, you are such a fun boy. I really cherish the alone time with you while Marki and Lee are in school. Just you and me, which doesn't happen with any of my kids. You are so incredibly smart and happy. I love you so much my little Sodapop. Thank you for being you!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Your kids break out in song and dance while cleaning up...without being asked:) They were singing "It's a Hard Knock Life" while doing it. Too cute.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 8:59 AM 0 comments
Dave and Irene met us one year ago at Cheyenne's last birthday party. We have been friends ever since. To celebrate that friendship we went to the play "The Christmas Carol" at the Morrison Center. It was fabulous. It was a great play and put me in the Christmas spirit. Thank you Dave and Irene!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Marki's friend Cheyenne turned five last Saturday. Her parents threw her a surprise party which I thought was adorable. The kids jumped out of their hiding places and I think it made her day. The kids played princess ring toss and made a cool craft. They all had a blast playing together.
Here she is being surprised by all her friends. Levi wearing his craft.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you Marki. You danced beautifully!
***This video is better to watch on facebook because it shows Marki very well. Here it is blown up so Marki is on the edge. I'll fix that later.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 4:40 PM 0 comments
Malia and Marki. They were beyond excited to do their duet together. This picture among other ones of Marki and Malia remind me of me and Kristal. I'll have to find our old dance pictures of us to compare! Getting ready to rehearse her dance "Jingle Bell Rock".
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 1:41 PM 0 comments