Gramma's Tea Party.
Eating cookies and juice.

Tea anyone?


Levi after a day of fishin with Papa. He caught 4 fish.

Marki after a day of fishing with Papa. She caught 4 fish.

Future Firemen.

Taking a tubby.

Riding horses.

Marki and Lee.

Ali, Marki, and Levi. The kids got to visit their cousin Ali and they had so much fun.

Me and Frank. I don't think he wanted his picture taken.

Watching sports.

Uncle Johnny....I mean uncle Frank and Levi. They had a blast on the four wheeler. Mark got Levi to start calling Frank, Johnny. Levi is quite fond of his uncle.

Cody and Mark. Cody is one of Mark's best friends and also a firefighter in Havre, MT.
We had a great time! Thank you Jack and Lynn for everything!
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