Ollipop taking a tubby. He tries to stand up and gets frustrated when he falls. You will find him doing this a lot.
Can you believe he is 11 months! Oh my darling Oliver. Just looking at him makes me tear up. He is not a baby anymore. He is a new little person. I love learning about his personality. He is so easy going and full of smiles. He now has three teeth. Two on the bottom and one on top. His left tooth is poking through so soon he'll have four. When I saw his first tooth I was so excited yet sad. That is the last first tooth our family will have (unless God says otherwise) and it is sad to think about. I love this boy so much it hurts. (I love all of you so much it hurts) and he has been a trooper getting these painful teeth.
You love your baths. You love playing peekaboo and pulling out all the wipes. You love your books and when Marki sings to you in the morning. You love Marki toting you around despite my best efforts for her to leave you be. You love waking up to 4 people staring at you oohing and awing over you. You still are the first thing everyone runs to when you wake up. Daddy will even try to avert me elsewhere so he can be the first to grab you. Marki always wins and then she and Levi fight over who gets to hold you first or feed you. This has happened EVERY DAY since you were born. There looks to be no end in sight:)
You are an awesome eater. You eat anything and everything. You eat more than Marki and Levi combined.
You don't like it when your brother bops you on the head. I try to tell him that you will one day be big enough to bop him back but you'll just have to show him that one at a later date. I can't wait to see you and Levi be best friends. It maybe after high school but I am hoping you two are inseparable as little ones.
Marki is like your second Momma. She takes very good care of you. One time I put you down on the floor sitting up, you couldn't crawl yet, and went to the bathroom. As I was trying to go she marched herself right in the bathroom and stated, "MOMMY! YOU CAN"T JUST LEAVE A BABY ALONE! I HAD TO COME OUT OF MY ROOM TO WATCH HIM! HE COULD HAVE BEEN HURT!" She cracks me up. She does love you and Levi so much.
You now are formula fed. It works for you. No more throwing everything up. No more acid reflux. You are gaining weight nicely.
We love you so Oliver. I am already planning your first birthday. You make me beam with pride just by being you.
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