Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Our Date Night
Mark and I went to Wahooz, a family fun zone for a date last night. We played shooting games, sports, went to the batting cages where I realized Levi doesn't get all his baseball talent from his dad, played mini golf where Mark got four hole-in-ones and I got one myself, rode in the go carts, (not good for my motion sickness I have lately), and basically enjoyed each others company.
This place is where we are going to have Levi's birthday this year. I can't wait because I know he is going to LOVE it.
Thank you so much for our alone time, mark! We sure needed it!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 10:31 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Where We First Met
The Hagner Science Building where Mark and I first met.
We walked up these stairs to go to our first Speech class....
Mark and I met six years ago today. As you read above we sat down at the same table at the exact same time. I looked over at him and he was staring at me with a huge smile on his face. I asked him if it was okay if I sat there. He smiled and said "Of course". We also had a History class together so from that day on we were study partners. He is super duper smart in Math so he tutored me in Math as well. I loved hanging out with him because no one on the face of this earth has made me laugh so much on a daily basis. Then one day I found out he played guitar. I played piano so we were going to switch lessons. From then on we were inseparable. He bought me guitar for my first mother's day, (I was pregnant), and it is the most beautiful guitar ever. Be prepared to see me playing this guitar to a song I wrote for Mark. :)
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 3:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Look at me Mommy!
Levi has now taken up skateboarding. And, like everything else, he's a natural.
Levi trying one of his new tricks.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Evening prayers
We have a ritual every night at bed time. It is complete chaos if it is not followed. It goes something like this:
1) Bath
2) Jammies
3) Brush teeth
4) Marki, Lee, and Oliver get to pick out a book for me to read to them.
5) Pray together.
6) Snuggle Marki and ask her what she is thankful for that day. I pray for her. Kisses.
7) Snuggle Levi and ask what he is thankful for that day (although for the past few weeks he is )constantly thankful for throwing out candy at the parade) Pray for him. Kisses.
8) Take Oliver and spend some Olli-mommy time then do his prayers and kisses.
If this is followed my kids go to bed so easy. Levi always puts his arms around me and says, "Would you like a kiss the size of Texas?" How could anyone resist:) I just wanted to write that down.
Tonight one of Marki's prayers included, "Please bring my daddy home safely."
One of Levi's prayers tonight was, "Please watch over my daddy and don't let him fall off the ladder on the fire truck."
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Ready for school
We had our Preschool open house yesterday. Levi is SO excited about starting preschool. When we drove up he screamed, "We are at my school mom!" I am really excited for him.
One of the things he had to do before attending school was he had to be potty trained. Since Dec of 08 he has gone on the potty but only when he wanted to. When I went to get school supplies I packed up Marki's bag with all the things she would need. Levi looked at me and asked where his bag was. I told him he would get it when he went poo poo and pee pee on the potty every time because Miss Arisa and Miss Tracey didn't want to change his diaper at school. His reply? "Yes they would!"
Well it seemed to do the trick. He has gone on the potty for the last week and has had no accidents so far. He loves his big boy pants. They have super heros on them. His favorites are, of course, the batman ones.
I am so proud of him. I love him to pieces and can't wait to get his little projects from school. Marki took him around and showed him everything and told him he had to listen to his teachers. When they went outside to play Lee looked around for his big sis and waited for her at the door. It was a moment I'm glad I got to see. I'm glad they'll be together this year. With out further ado here he is, my big boy, not in diapers anymore.
Two down. One to go.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Sandlot
While in Montana, Mark and I decided to buy a new movie for the kids to watch. I looked through all the $5 movies and found, "The Sandlot". I thought it would be perfect for Lee since baseball is his obsession. I was right. I have never in my life laughed so hard as I watched him watch the movie. Mark almost had to pull over we were laughing so hard. His facial expressions alone were to die for. He'd yell at the movie too. It was so adorable I couldn't stand it. When the little boy get's dropped over the fence by some rope Levi would scream, "Pull him up, pull him up! The beast is going to get em!" I can't decribe it. You just had to be there. However, I made a terrible mistake being he was too young to watch such content. I didn't remember the language in the movie. They had already watched it a few times before I caught on to the naught language coming out of little boys mouths. A conversation with Levi went like this:
Lee: Mommy! That little boy said deep Shit!
Mommy: I know sweetie. It's not a nice thing to say and I don't want you to say it.
Lee: But mommy, the little boy said deep sh_t!
Mommy: Yes, Lee. I know. He said a very naughy thing and I don't want you to say it anymore.
Lee: The little boy said to the other boy, your in deep sh_t!
Mommy: Levi, I am serious I don't want you to say that word anymore or you are going to be in trouble.
Lee: But Mommy, I didn't say it....The little boy said deep Sh_t.
Mommy: Levi! Please stop saying that word. Those little boys went home and their parents spanked them for saying such bad words.
Levi: Yes! Their mom and dad are going to give them spankens for saying, deep sh_t! It's not a nice word, deep shit. Mom, they are in trouble for saying deep shit.
Mommy: Deep sigh. Complete silence.
Amy, I am taking your advice on the smart player thing they sell at Walmart. (It takes out bad stuff)I could get great use out of it. I've learned to watch the movie before sending my kids off to see it. Why would they have little kids cussing anyway.
Lee makes me play baseball ALL day long. I can't even change Oliver's diapers with out him giving me the ball to throw for him. He even uses his foam bat in the house. I will pitch him the ball and he hits it every time. He loves playing catch and when it's my turn to hit he comes over telling me what I am doing wrong. I just love it. I'll have to get some videos on here.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Oliver's song
This is a song Marki made up for Oliver in the morning.
"Good morning Oliver, good morning. You are our sunshine."
She sings it over and over :)
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
It's almost here!
September 10th will mark our 4 year anniversary. Mark already bought me a cell phone. Now I need to think of what I can get him. Hmmm. I think maybe tickets to see the SEAHAWKS and MARINERS! Yep, we are going:)
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Coming Up
Oh there is so much fun coming up this fall. Lot's of Blogs to come. Lot's to do, lot's to do:)
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
and I saw her sitting on a park bench....
My Grandpa first met my Grandma while he was walking in a park in Wassau, Wisconsin. He was with a buddy of his and they were both in the military. My grandma was sitting on a park bench with a friend of hers and they were noticed by the two men walking by. My Grandpa turned to his friend and said, "I want the girl on the left." Well, that was my grandma and to make a long story short they ended up eloping, after a courtship of course, and were married for 61 years before my grandma passed a year and a half ago. When I think of my grandpa entering Heaven, I see my Grandma there, sitting on a park bench waiting for him.
It was my favorite story to hear my Grandpa tell. His eyes always lit up when he told it.
My Grandpa Levi and my Grandma DorisMy Grandma
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Lady of the Rockies
While leaving Butte, our first mini stop in MT, it was dark so you could see the Lady of the Rockies all lit up. Marki and Lee thought it was so cool. Butte was also our last stop on our way home so we thought it would be neat for the kids to take a trip up to see this beautiful statue. (which is bigger than the Statue of Liberty) They had a blast. We took a bus ride up there which couldn't have pleased Marki more. We had a great time.
INFO: Our Lady of the Rockies stands 90 feet tall and in the likeness of Mary, Mother of Jesus, sits atop the Continental Divide 8510 ft. above sea level overlooking Butte, Montana. It is the United States's largest Madonna and the second largest statue. The statue was built by volunteers using donated materials to honor women everywhere, especially mothers. The base is 8,510 feet above sea level and 3,500 feet above the town. The statue is lit and visible at night.
Joy, Nana B, and Levi waiting to go up the mountain. Erynn, Marks cousin. We love her and miss her.
Olli's first bus ride.
We had a great time visiting you! See you next time:)
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 9:00 PM 1 comments