Monday, May 23, 2011

What we have been doing.....

Well, I am back in the blogging world and so much is coming up. Marki and Levi's graduation. Tball end of year party and last tball game, Marki's dance recital and pictures, summer fun at our pool, MONTANA! (hopefully) and so much more! Here are some pictures of when I went MIA

Marki and Reagan have been joined at the hip. They bike to school together, play after school together, have overnights, and play 24/7. They rarely fight and when they do they resolve it themselves. Ah. How wonderful!
We have been riding bikes...

and baking with daddy.....

visited with Poppy and Grammy...

My brother was crowned Miss Idaho. You cant see his tiara very well here...

We made crafts.....

snuggled up and watched movies....

Had an Easter egg hunt with our old neighbors...

Ollie is cheating and watching where we put the eggs

These two still call eachother.....

Went to Mass and later had family and friends over for Easter dinner. And of course, another egg hunt.

This is how we entertained our friends.

Great job egg hungting!


Kami Satterlee said...

OMG I've been trying to comment on your blog FOREVER now! My blogger is so screwed up. Anywho, here is what I wanted to say the past few weeks:

Your pictures are fabulous. That one of you close up is so beautiful!
Marki is so freakin cute I love her guts!
I miss Levi:(
Jaymie from SwanFallsPhotography is super cheap, easy to work with and does great pictures:)
I can't believe Marki is graduating Kindergarten
I miss you:)