Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lee's Last Game For the Season

Boy am I behind again. Lot's more to come soon my dear family and friends!

Levi the catcher
So freaking adorable

Mark telling his team we were going for ice cream.

Monday, May 23, 2011

What we have been doing.....

Well, I am back in the blogging world and so much is coming up. Marki and Levi's graduation. Tball end of year party and last tball game, Marki's dance recital and pictures, summer fun at our pool, MONTANA! (hopefully) and so much more! Here are some pictures of when I went MIA

Marki and Reagan have been joined at the hip. They bike to school together, play after school together, have overnights, and play 24/7. They rarely fight and when they do they resolve it themselves. Ah. How wonderful!
We have been riding bikes...

and baking with daddy.....

visited with Poppy and Grammy...

My brother was crowned Miss Idaho. You cant see his tiara very well here...

We made crafts.....

snuggled up and watched movies....

Had an Easter egg hunt with our old neighbors...

Ollie is cheating and watching where we put the eggs

These two still call eachother.....

Went to Mass and later had family and friends over for Easter dinner. And of course, another egg hunt.

This is how we entertained our friends.

Great job egg hungting!

A Little Disappointed....

After many years of waiting and waiting to get family pictures and individuals of our family, I was a bit disappointed in our session. First of all, we were unable to contact her as to when our session actually started. We didn't know the day we had the pictures scheduled as to the time and place we were to meet. It was very confusing and frustrating to say the least! I spent so much time and energy not to mention money getting ready for these photos and come picture day we didn't know if they would even happen.

Then we finally get to the location an hour late. She would not give us her phone number even after we said the one on her blog was no longer in service. Not so happy at this point....

Our photographer was super nice and I thought the session went pretty well. That is after more than a month later we get the final disk. Only 2 pictures of Oliver and all the pics I couldn't wait to see weren't even on there. BOO! This is a woman who has done phenomenal work yet my pictures are not what I thought they would be. She took so many of Marki and Levi together and just the boys and so on and we didn't get ONE. Not ONE!

I look at her work and think why didn't they turn out like this? So, I am on a hunt to find a new photographer that is affordable. My husband affordable that is. ;) That may be a challenge but I am bound and determined to get the pictures I want. And more of Oliver and just the kids too.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Our Adorable Tee ball Player

Yes. He did catch this ball in the above picture. He is a super star!!!!! Daddy loves coaching you Levi! I love assisting although it doesn't leave time to take pictures and videos. I will get some at his last game no matter what! I will get better on the blogging as well so you Montana folk can keep updated!

Friday, May 6, 2011

A Few More.....

Monday, May 2, 2011

Family Pictures Finally!

Whoo hoo! We finally got family pictures taken of all the Benjamins!!!!! These are just a few she has done. There are only two of Oliver and I look forward to seeing all his pictures when they are done. Can't wait to see the rest! I'll post them when they are done.