It's happened. My first of three first days of Kindergarten. I woke up at 5 am and couldn't get back to sleep. I was so excited for her. I was excited because of how excited she was to go out in the world on her own for a whole day! She is incredibly independent and wanted to ride her bike the 7 minute ride to school on her own. Yeah right, Marki. She was excited to park her bike at Teed (one of the elementary schools) where she would catch a bus to Crimson Point, her school. Sadly, the bus never showed. We drove her to school where Mark and I were able to spend an hour with her going on a scavenger hunt finding the bathrooms, cafeteria, library, gym, office, and playground. Everyone at CP is so nice. Her teacher is Mrs. Patton. She loves her teacher which is great.
Marki getting ready to ride to school.
She was so fast and listened to her daddy and walked her bike accross all streets while looking both ways.

Almost there!

Made it!

Parking her bike at Teed.

Me and my Kindergartner.

Waiting for the bus. It never showed.

Marki's table.

Her cubby.

Her classroom. Her teacher is on the right in the red shirt.

Putting her supplies in the right places.


Marki and Jayda. I was so happy my Miss social found friends right away.

My kissing hand. The kids read the book in class. I love this book. One of the scavenger things was to give your child a kissing hand to have with them all day.

Daddy's kissing hand. He cried. I wasn't the only cryer this day. ;)

The grande finale! They lined up and blew kisses.

Last hugs. (My pics are out of order)

Last kisses.

And they are off to learn!

Her room.

Her school.

Where she eats lunch. Mark and I kept checking our account to see when she ate lunch. They have an account on line. We tried stalking her as best we could. We missed her so much.

The office. Many nice people work here!

The library.

Her room is down this hallway.

I had to find her on the bus ride home to get pictures. I think the bus driver thought I was crazy.

She was SO excited!

Love her!

She is pouting cuz she wanted her Daddy.

After she got off the bus she still needed to ride her bike home. There is a bus that stops right in front of our house. I have NO idea why they can't do this for her. When she got on her bike she started telling me all about her day. I had to stop her and tell her that Daddy wanted to hear it all first hand too. She rode her bike super fast all the way home to tell him. She stopped and waited for me at the crosswalk knowing she couldn't cross without me. I was walking behind her and there were 5 cars each direction waiting for her to cross. LOL! I had to run and tell her it was ok to cross. A car stopped me and told me how impressed she was that Marki knew she had to wait for her Mommy. It was cute.

What is the very first book she picked out in the library all by herself??? A book about rattle snakes. She is so totally awesome. She knows all about rattle snakes now.

Daddy and I are so excited for you! We love you so much and we pray you and your brothers always love learning new things and love school. You are off to a great start princess!
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