Well voters...the verdict is in. I did in fact jump out of an airplane on our honeymoon cuz you know what they say......"Married people who skydive together, are just plain stupid!" I'd like to thank all you who voted "YES" Cara should skydive because it was GREAT! I am super glad I did it! Mark and I arrived (after waking up for good at 3:30am due to nightmares of jumping) at the runway where we saw the plane we were to jump from. It was not what I was expecting....
We had this planned for months. Actually a year. Mark wanted to do it so badly and I really wanted to do it with me. I tried to be brave but I will say I spent a lot of the vacation trying to back out of it. That morning, the day before we left Hawaii, I was so sick on the car ride. I was in a bad mood because I just didn't want to do it. But once I got there and met the owner he explained what would happen and what it felt like and then I got excited. The people we were skydiving with gave us an update on what we were to do and it seemed to all go so fast. We were able to watch some girls that went before us and then it was our turn.....

This is Ian our pilot and Enzo, my tandum guy. Mike was Mark's.

Beautiful view! I didn't put a lot of the pictures of the view because my computer takes forever to post these.


I was the first to go out. Mark said my face was priceless. This was the scariest part.

taking a deep breath....

and we are off!

It felt like you were floating and the ground never seemed to come up on you. It was amazing and I'd recomend it to anyone!

Mark before he jumped.

He is laughing at me right now. I just jumped.

Here Mark goes....


They made us do this Hawaiian wave all the time. It was awesome...just watch my skydiving video.


Thank God our parachutes opened!


Here I am.

Beautiful view!

The parachute ride was fun. The guy did some tricks and made it go all over. Made my stomach a little sick.

Me steering. The glasses they put on you are so tight I couldn't move my face!

Thank God we're ok. Thank God we're ok!

THis one looks like I had a few too many drinks before I went. Love the eyes closed.

Safe and on the ground. The landing was super soft. I was so glad I did it!

Thank you honey for MAKING me skydive! I had a wonderful time!

Let's do that again!

Well worth it!
I need to figure out how to put the video's on here. They are priceless and well worth the watch.