It had already been a long day for a five year old before cheer even started. We had to arrive early to stand around in the heat. Here she is inside the arena after her BSU pics were taken.
Caught ya snoozing.

Go Bull Dogs!!!!! Here is Marki's cheer team. Her coach is awesome!

Her favorite thing to do.

This is as close as I could get to getting a cheer picture.

The Bulldogs won! Great cheering girls!

Getting a drink after a hard day at work.


She loved posing.

I love her profile. It shows how sweet and wonderful she is.


My girl is S-M-A-R-T!

Last cheer blog for a while I promise. At least I think I promise. Cheer has been the only thing that has been going on here besides getting over colds. Olli is about to turn two and Levi has his first day of Preschool BY HIMSELF!!!!! So stay tuned. Marki also starts "K" soon!
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