My little man jumping for joy. Such a climber. Always has been.
Well my sweet, you are 21 months today. My heart twinges to think that soon you will be two years old. Two years! Daddy and I have been working the labs trying to find out how to keep you all little. Its not working. Don't get me wrong, two years old is a great age to be, however you are my last little one and you seem to be growing so fast. There is nothing you can't do. You play catch with your brother and you love it. You love soccer and football too. You are super cool, just ask your brother. You are very mello and my cuddle bug. You have the most amazing laugh. It can make anyone instantly happy. You are a chatter box now. I can't believe the words and sentences you use. You are so intellegent. You certainly have found your voice which I'm sure you realized you needed with an older brother and sister. You are EXTREMELY independent which drives me crazy some days. You are a quick learner and keep up with your bro and sis quite well. You love being outside. I think you'd stay out there all night if you could. You are completely adored by us all and yes, once again, I will tell you we all still fight over you in the morning. You are attacked as soon as you wake up in the morning. I wonder what you might think about that. I surely thought it would lose it's appeal with Marki and Levi after awhile but it hasn't. I have to push them off you every morning. There will be more about you on my fun facts about my kids so that's all I'll say for now. I love you and thank you for being you!
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