Mrs. Tracey and Marki Lyn. Here she is. All beautiful and sweet and graduated.
Marki, Mrs. Arisa, and Lee.

Waiting to get their diplomas.

Oliver. Heeheehee. I love this boy.

This picture cracks me up.

So sweet.

Hahaha. While these fools are celebrating a preshool graduation I am plotting to take over the world. Muah hahaha. And mom, don't eat my cookie.

Levi was such a helper. I was looking around for him and found him folding chairs after graduation and putting them away.

Work ethic like his daddy.

Ever since Marki was able to speak she has wanted to be a doctor. Looks like she wants to be a french doctor.

Levi wants to be a fireman.

Thank you Arisa and Tracey for being the best preschool teachers ever. My children absolutely love you both and Marki will miss you dearly. Thank goodness I still have many years with you ladies left!
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