The old believe everything; the middle-aged suspect everything; the young know everything.- Oscar Wilde
I'd like to think I still know everything. :)
For the past year it has been tradition to go out and eat with our friends on our birthday. I think it will be something that remains for years to come. This year we ate at the Olive Garden. YUM. It is one of my favorite places to eat.
Dave and Irene. They got me 3 month of Netflix for my birthday, IT IS AWESOME! Thank you so much! Thanks for dinner too!
The kiddie table. Notice the big kid. I couldn't get him to take a normal pic. haha.
Konor and Olli.
Bad picture of all of us eating cake. I had to celebrate my bday on a Sunday so I could enjoy a snack. Lent is over soon so I can get fat again.
Loving the chocolate cake...yep, he's my boy.
So, now to enjoy a whole year of being 31! Whew! I am climbing that ladder quickly. Still can't believe it. This will be a great year and thank you Mark for my new pair of running shoes. I LOVE THEM!
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