Tuesday, March 30, 2010

31 Candles

The old believe everything; the middle-aged suspect everything; the young know everything.- Oscar Wilde

I'd like to think I still know everything. :)
For the past year it has been tradition to go out and eat with our friends on our birthday. I think it will be something that remains for years to come. This year we ate at the Olive Garden. YUM. It is one of my favorite places to eat.

Dave and Irene. They got me 3 month of Netflix for my birthday, IT IS AWESOME! Thank you so much! Thanks for dinner too!
The kiddie table. Notice the big kid. I couldn't get him to take a normal pic. haha. Konor and Olli.
Bad picture of all of us eating cake. I had to celebrate my bday on a Sunday so I could enjoy a snack. Lent is over soon so I can get fat again.
Loving the chocolate cake...yep, he's my boy.
So, now to enjoy a whole year of being 31! Whew! I am climbing that ladder quickly. Still can't believe it. This will be a great year and thank you Mark for my new pair of running shoes. I LOVE THEM!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Dance with you Teddy Bear

My Little Bunny

My Sweet Girl

Just Too Cute...

Dance Pictures

Marki almost didn't get to do dance this year due to other activites during her normal dance days. Dave and Irene suggested a place where Cheyenne was going that fit our schedule. We were very sad to leave Miss Kami's dance for this season. Marki didn't think she would like this place but warmed up to it right away. What can I say? She loves Kami.

Here are some pictures from dance watch week.

Marki and Cheyenne striking a pose.
Having fun.

Running around before dance started.
More posing.
Easter eggs.
Bunny Ears.
Bunny Dance.
Marki and Cheyenne were the leaders.

Marki Lyn

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sweet Pictures

This is what happens when Mark gets home from work. They stick to him like glue.
Sweet Oliver.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Batter Up

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Prince Charming rides again...

Levi back in the chair
Olli O

Whew! This week was quite a week for Doctors appointments. I think we should be done for quite a while. All 3 babies are healthy and happy. Levi had to go back and find out why his nose is still plugged. Good news is he may just grow out of it. In the meantime they gave us something to put up his and Oliver's nose so they can get over their colds without antibiotics. Hooray!
Levi was his charming self again at the appointment. They LOVE him there. Where ever he goes he lays on the charm and people instantly fall in love with him. I was so impressed with how he behaved in the waiting room where we waited for almost an hour. Then when we get to the room and the doctor walks in he pipes up, "Here we go!" He was really calm and cool while they checked up his nose. I think he thought the women were a bit crazy since it was St Patty's day and they were wearing green wigs. They were certainly amazed by his knowlege at age 3. I love how all my kids are smart;)
So, now appointments for the dentist. Then we should be good for a while!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Soccer Season 2010

Starting with Coach Mark going clockwise...Marki Lyn, Kaydence, Aiden, Sierra, Hayden, and Cheyenne.
Brandon and Levi cheering Marki on.

Marki did great on her first soccer game. They kids seemed to have a blast and I'm glad it wasn't too cold. Dave and Irene came with their kids and I loved how Cheye came over to me and sat with me during the game. Next game is next monday so hopefully I can get more pictures of Marki.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

18 Months Today!

You prefer your sister to read to you.

Well kido. You are a year and a half today. I am still in disbelief. You are incredibly smart. You know lots of words but you still like to babble with the words. You understand everything I say. I can ask you to do something and you do it. You find your brother and sister completely hilarious and love them to pieces. The fighting over you in the morning still continues. Everyone loves your first snuggles. They are the best. You wake up in a great mood every morning although some days I think the terrible two's are starting early:) We love you to pieces Olli!

Likes: Music
Jumping on the bed.
Jumping in general.
Escaping outside. You LOVE playing outside.
You love making people laugh
You love bath time
You love swinging and when Marki takes you down the slide.
You like to get into trouble
You love to climb. You have no fear.
You love books
You love to tell people no

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Guns and Hoses

Getting ready to cheer Daddy on. 74 is my dad's old fire number.
Too cute.

Go Daddy Go!
Mark is on the end.

Unlce D and Nana.
Dave, Irene, and Konor came to cheer Mark on.

Love him
So tired. Ready for nap.

Marki threw her arms around her dad and gave him a big kiss. The funny thing is the boy she was playing with was not happy about this. His mom was sitting behind us and he went up to her and asked why she was kissing someone else. Way too cute.
The Cops and Firemen. The cops won by one point. Mark is the first red in middle row by blue on the right hand side.