Saturday, February 20, 2010

Fireman's Award Banquet

He got the hottest fireman of the year award....again. ;) Love him and couldn't be prouder!

A night out.
Joe trying to get in our picture.
Joe, Mariya, Stephanie, and Justin. We had a fun table and I happened to know Mariya so it was nice to see a friendly face. We had a great time!

This years award dinner was held in a sky box at the BSU football stadium. We had a beautiful view of the city and had great company. Of course they served chocolate cake which I gave up for lent so that was fabulous. Apparently my husband needs to take me out more because I wanted a mint that was on the table really bad. When I told Mark how much I wanted to eat it because I couldn't he started laughing....I guess it was fancy butter. Thank God for all the firemen who give so much of themselves to help others! I love you Mark and couldn't be prouder to be your wife!