Nana patater's got the kids Build-a-bears for Christmas. Oliver was sick so he had to stay home with daddy. He will get to do his soon. For now he steals his brother and sisters bear. :)
My furry friend is special. I brought it to life.
I chose it. I stuffed it. I made it my own.
I promise to love it and give it a home.
Carefully selecting their bear.

Levi picked a camo bear.

Marki picked a pink tye dye bear.

So excited!!!

Levi is picking the paw to press for his recorded "ROAR".

Putting the stuffing in. They got to press the button to stuff it.

Watchin the bear get stuffed.

Almost done. Got to check the suffin. Give it hugs to see if it's squeezable.

Picking out a heart.

Stuffing the bear's heart in.

Marki's turn to stuff. Marki's bear has a giggle when you push it's paw. Lee's Roars.

Love my bear.

You got to give the heart a kiss for love, and cheek rubbin for smiles, and rub the heart on you elbow for laughter. Lee did it too.

Rubbing the cheek.

Stuffing her bear's heart in.

Time for his first bath.

Using the scrubber.

Lee's turn for his bears first bath.

Washing off the extra fluff.

Levi went straight to the fire gear for his bear. Imagine that! His bear has turnouts and a hose, a fire hat, and boots. He also got his bear a Seattle Seahawks jersey, football cleats, a football, and helmet. Also, a hockey puck and stick. We have yet to get hockey skates and skateboards for the bear. Oliver's bear will be a boise bronco's bear.

Marki of course goes for the cinderella getup. A cinderella dress, crown, wand, glass slippers, orange glasses, a gold out fit and ruby slippers, and a hair dryer, brush, and mirror. What will they think of next!

Decisions decisions.

Making their bears birth certificates. Marki named hers Cinderella and Levi named his Bluey. He changed the name later to Bat Man. They were born on December 27th.

The bear's new homes.



Finishing touches.

Marki's bear weighed 8.3oz and is 15" long. Eye color black. Levi's bear weighed 8.8oz and is 16" tall. His bear has brown eyes. Thanks nana! We had so much fun!
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