Yesterday when Mark and I got home from grocery shopping, it started snowing. Great big huge fluffy snowflakes. I ran inside as fast as I could and told the kids to get their snow gear on. And here we are running around trying to get the fluffiest yummiest snowflake ever! Levi refused to wear a winter hat...he wanted to wear a hat like Uncle D.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Catching snowflakes
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Baking with Nana
My mom came out and helped the kids bake peanut butter and chocolate rice crispy bars. It was for Mark and I for Valentines day. Marki and Levi put a lot of love and kisses into these tasty treats! Thank you guys! They were certainly delicious!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 8:56 PM 0 comments
The Bucket List
My wonderful husband decided that we were going to come up with our own "bucket list". We have many things on this list...some more easy than other and let's just say, less dangerous. Mark planned to get one of them started. We both wanted to learn to snowboard. Both having skied before we were super excited to try out this new thing. To surprise me, Mark bought me a new coat, hat, mittens, goggles, and snow pants just for this occasion.
We left for Bogus Basin this morning. This was the first time we had been there. We reminisced about all the fun times we had in Montana skiing. We were so excited and when we got up ski hill we were surprised at how many people were there. It was insane! We still get surprised when we go places here and it's packed with people. We apparently are still used to the Montana ways were even if the whole state goes you still don't have many people ;) It wasn't bad when we actually got in the mix of things. It didn't seem like we ever had to wait in line for long. I was completely freaked because Mark wanted to attack the mountain and I wanted to take lessons to learn what to do. ****Side note****Mark is great at everything he does. If it is the first time he is doing something he looks like a pro. Very annoying at times. There was a little crying from my end at the beginning. :) It was hard. Very hard. I just wanted to go and get ski's on. And then it happend...I figured it out and I had a blast! I fell pretty hard a few times and I feel like my knee's and back will never be the same again but it was totally worth it. One guy came up next to me and said, "Wow! You really came a long way! Good job!" I have never had such a great work out. I started the day thinking I would never snowboard again and amazingly had a turn of events. I can't wait to go again!!!!!! Thank you Mark for taking me today. I had a great time with you:) Oh, and I forgive you for laughing at me when I biffed it big time and thought I broke my leg:) I'm glad I could entertain you. Marki and Levi get to snowboard with us next time. Or maybe after we do it a few more times.
Driving up to Bogus Basin Me the passenger
Thanks mom for watching the babies.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 8:00 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Kids say the funniest things....
Yesterday I overheard a conversation Marki and Levi were having.
Marki: Did you know that we used to live in mommy's tummy?
Levi: Yes....I remember living in mommy's tummy.
They talk about this for a while.....
Mommy chimes in: You guys remember being in my tummy?
Kids: Yes mommy.
Mommy: What did you do for fun while you were in there?
Marki: Well, we ate what you ate....drank what you drank................Mommy? Did you drink alcohol??? (She has a questioning and accusing look on her face.)
Mommy: No! Of course not! You know mommy doesn't drink alcohol. ((not since my early 20's anyway.....)shhhh)).....Did she just say alcohol?? So Levi what did you do???
Levi: I just stayed in there. I didn't eat your belly mom. I didn't eat anything in there.
Then Marki made a mention that she was in a Water Park in my tummy. But instead of water at the water park there was blood....Hummm/ Shouldn't have had her watch those birthing videos with me!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 11:43 AM 0 comments
I Fixed it!
Oliver's blog "Lights on lights off" now has sound. It isn't quite as cute without the sound playing;
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
My Daddy, My Hero
At preschool the other day, the kids were asked to name their hero. Marki's hero's were her teachers because they teach her letters. Levi's hero was his daddy he wrote because his daddy goes to the fire
station to save lives. On the way home in the car the kids were discussing their day with eachother...The conversation went like this:
Marki: I love my teachers and want to be a teacher someday too. Daddy has always been my hero. He is a super hero....
Levi: Marki, he is a hero, not a super hero. He can't fly!
True enough. They wanted to show off their daddy to their friends so we took Brandon, Cheyenne, and Konor to the fire station.
Levi and Brandon waiting to play Cheyenne and Marki. I couldn't catch many pictures of Levi. Beautiful firemen right there.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
You know it's time to give up the pacifier when...
He thought he was pretty funny. He came around the corner laughing at himself. He seemed to have such joy in his face when I couldn't stop laughing.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 15, 2010
An Overnight
Tonight Marki got to have her friend Pieces over to spend the night. They had a blast playing together and just now fell asleep at 10:30 or so. Not too bad.
Marki and Pieces or should I say Snow White and Ariel. Ready for bed.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
Olli's first hair cut!
Olli's before picture. He wore the same outfit that Levi did when Levi got his first hair cut. Awwwww. Kristen trying to put a cape on Oliver. He did not like that!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 11:05 AM 1 comments
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The Kido's
Here are some pictures of the Benjamin/Fewkes dinner's last week and this. Dinner at our house is where Mark, Irene, and Dave learned that "R" is for redemption. All was forgiven when I made everyone play Rummikub.
Oliver and Konor. Playing.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 8:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Mark and Dave's birthday celebration
We celebrated Mark and Dave's birthday's tonight by eating out at Famous Dave's and watching Alabama play Texas. We had a great time! Here are the boys watching there game. Irene and Marki are in the background busting out a puzzle. As we sat down for cake Marki, Dave, and Mark had a conversation that went something like this.....
Marki: Hey Dave, Guess what I learned in school today...
Dave: What did you learn?
Marki: We learned about the letter O
Dave: And what does the letter O stand for?
Marki: O stands for ostracized!
( Lot's of laughter)
Dave: I learned that O stood for Octopus..
Mark: Or ocean...
(More laughter) Irene comes in and we tell her what was said followed by even more laughter)
Poor Marki had no idea why anyone was laughing. Poor kid. She had a "what the heck" look on her face followed by embarresment. Thank you Marki for being so funny even when you don't know it! In the meantime I think I'll have a talk with your teachers;)
Anyhoo, Happy Birthday to Mark and Dave! Mark got a Dewalt stereo for the garage and a new computer! Hope you guys had a great one! Look at the blog below Mark to see letters from you kids!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Letters to Daddy on his birthday
Dear Daddy,
I hope that you love your brand new birthday. I want you to know that I love you very much and I love when you play games with me. I love that you are a fireman and you rescue people and save lives. I love when you drop me off at school. And I love when you give me a drink before bedtime and in the car even when we are not supposed to have drinks in the car. You are my favorite and I love you very much. Love, Princess Marki
Dear Daddy,
Happy Birthday Daddy! I love that you work at a firestation. I love it when you cut wood and when you let me help you shovel snow. And that's a wrap. Love, Batman. (Lee)
Dear Daddy,
wraeemnkjmcs cvmmvkikmidfngrt54j.[ds,jtk,rgtokyy;f (actually written by Oliver himself)
Love, Oliver
Happy Birthday Baby! Thank you for being the best daddy and husband ever! Thank you for making me laugh every day! I hope you have a great day! We love you! Love, your wife
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 2:57 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Career choices 2010
The other day during prayer time Levi announced that he was going to be....
- A football player
- A hockey player
- A baseball player
- A fireman to help his dad put out fires.
Tonight he told us after going down this list that he is going to be Bat Man :)
Marki wanted to let us know what she wants to be and here is here list.
- A doctor
- A teacher
We'll have to see what they choose next year :) I personally think Bat Man would be an excellent gig.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 4, 2010
Build A Bear
Nana patater's got the kids Build-a-bears for Christmas. Oliver was sick so he had to stay home with daddy. He will get to do his soon. For now he steals his brother and sisters bear. :)
Carefully selecting their bear.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 10:28 AM 0 comments