Sunday, September 6, 2009

September 4, 2008

My labor and delivery was different with you, Oliver. With Marki and Levi I waited until nature told me it was time to go to the hospital. You, well you were inconviencing your doctor since he was going out of town so he suggested I be induced. Of course I thought this was crazy and was not going to do it but after talking with your dad we figured it would be best since we lived 25minutes or so from the hospital and I had quick labors before. Also, Mark had to work and this way he wouldn't have to get a call at the firestation at 2am to come and get me. We figured it for the best so at 5:00am we rustled up your brother and sister and headed to the hospital. I remember getting in the van, looking back at Marki and Levi, and knowing we were about to be a family of five.

Once I was admitted to the hospital I was so nervous I thought of backing out and waiting for you to come on your own. But I stuck it out, being too shy to stand up for what I wanted. The nurse who put in my IV missed on the first try and my arm completely swelled up and turned black and blue. I do okay with needles but that just gave me a sign that I should get the heck out of that hospital and go to St Lukes. After the IV was properly placed, I sat and waited for labor to start after being given a drug that they insert into the cervix to start labor. It wasn't very effective and the doctor later broke my water to start things even more. I had so many different nurses. A different one each time they came in. One nurse I loved so much because she helped me with my contractions and did such a wonderful job cutting my pain significantly just by helping me breathe and when the pain seemed unbearable she would calmly tell me it was just Oliver trying to come out. That made me focus on you and what I needed to do to get you to come out. I loved her so of course St Al's made her leave. I got a new nurse that was angry with the world and thought why not take it out on this poor laboring girl. I remember Mark had to run and get the nurse when I could feel the pressure from his head coming. Yikes! When the hospital staff decided to get around to it, they came to help me. While pushing and crying my doctor told me to stop "singing" as he called it. I was barely making any noise at all but I guess I was disurbing him. If the nurse had brought me drugs she promised for hours maybe I wouldn't be in such pain;) I pushed a few times and there you were. So perfect. So tiny. So beautiful. Everything I had gone through was so worth your little arrival. I remember your dad's face. He was beaming with pride. I am so glad we got that on video. All I wanted to do was hold you and look at you. I couldn't wait for Marki and Levi to meet their new brother. Marki immediately took you in as her's. She plays momma to you and Levi and plays that role very well. Levi was proud to have a little brother. Your family loves you so much. You are a such a blessing.

Birthday pictures coming soon.