Marki and Levi loved riding the tractor. It is something Marki asks to do ever since she was 2 years old.
Crabbing. Just like on the coast....well....almost.

Helping Poppy get the mail.

The Cowgirl.

Riding horses.

Lee and Poppy.

I told Marki to pose for the camera. This is her pose.

Lovin the farm life.

Leading the horse around.

Grammy and Oliver.

They loved petting the horses.

After a day of riding.

Lee was super excited about these ponies.

Look at me!

Olli riding his horse.

My dad would make me care bear pancakes for breakfast. Here is Lee's

And Marki's. Made with so much love:)

All 3 on the tractor.

Thank you Poppy and Grammy! We had so much fun on the Anderson Farm:)
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