~ In Bodega Bay early this morning, a large flock of crows attacked a group of children who were leaving the school during a fire drill. One little girl was seriously injured and taken to the hospital in Santa Rosa, but the majority of children reached safety. We understand there was another attack on the town. But this information is rather sketchy. So far, no word has come through to show if there have been further attacks.~
~ The bird attacks have subsided for the time being. Bodega Bay seems to be the center, though there are reports of minor attacks on Sebastopol and a few on Santa Rosa. Bodega Bay has been cordoned off by roadblocks. Most of the townspeople have managed to get out, but there are still some isolated pockets of people. No decision has been arrived at yet as to what the next step will be but there's been some discussion as to whether the military should go in. It appears that the bird attacks come in waves with long intervals between. The reason for this does not seem clear as yet.~
Just a few quotes from the movie "The Birds". The point? I am being attacked on all my runs by birds. They dive bomb me over and over. It happens every time. So bad, as a matter of fact, that I have thought of quitting running all together. That can't happen since I want to get in shape for a marathon. I have to come up with plan B. I know the town of Kuna will be sorry to see me stop running on my usual route. I keep people thoroughly entertained while bystanders watch me run as fast as I can swatting birds with my eyes closed screaming and crying. I hate birds. It didn't dawn on me until a few days ago that I may be an actual target of these birds. We were in Boise early one morning when I pulled up to a stop light. Everything was calm when all of a sudden dozens of birds flew right at our car and started dive bombing the car. Keep in mind we are in down town Boise where there are plenty of cars to attack...They choose mine! It was very odd and then Mark turns to me and says, "It's like they are communicating and plotting against you!" Since then I have randomly been attacked by birds outside the Bardenay, at my house while playing with my kids, and well I could go on and on. All I know is I seem to be the target of these birds. Well birds, you better stay away or else. So far plan B has worked for my running. I can't say what that is...they might find out:)
I'm dying laughing! I can't believe that that is so freakin weird!
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