Well, it's been my time with the kids all week taking Levi and Marki fishing by themselves and getting some alone time with each. But today was mommy's turn to have fun with the kids while I hold down the fort. Mommy decided a fun day at the water park will due just fine. Things were off to a bad start when Levi constantly wined from about noon to 2:00pm and I was afraid that his temper tantrum was going to ruin Mommy's day so I told Cara to take Marki and I will drop Levi off to join them after he gets a nap, they left @ about 1 and Levi spent the next hour still wining before he would calm down enough to take a nap. I thought maybe he was hungry so I got him out of bed to have a snack and he threw it on the floor. i told him to lay down with his head on his pillow in his bed until he fell asleep. That's when I had my incident.
Disclaimer: The following is a depiction of a fictitious situation and the names have been changed to protect the Innocent.
I went into the bedroom after a while because things were quiet. TOO quiet if you know what I mean. As I opened the door there was no pitter pattering Eli scampering across the the room to his bed as if he had been there the whole time (like I still fall for that one anyway). I tip toed in so I wouldn't wake up Eli, but Eli was nowhere to be found. So I started my hunt. (you can play along too and see if you can spot Eli before the end of the show)

Maybe he is in bed and I just can't see him from here. I know a different angle will do the trick. I will just peek from over there and I am sure I will be able to see him with his head on the pillow just like daddy said. (can you see Eli from this angle?)
Huh!? His head isn't on the pillow. But I am confident that he has just tossed and turned his way under those blankets and if I just lift them I will see.....
Well that's peculiar. I would have bet the farm that he was right here under the covers. Hmmmmmm..... the hunt continues.
Ah crikey! I may have found a baby Eli. We need to get in there for a better look somehow. Hmmmmm.. I know I will just move closer to see if that is actually him. (for the record it is hard to be sure from here when I am only getting a split second view with the flash and then it is dark again)
And BINGO was his
name O. Found ya. Now the trick is how do I get him back into bed without disturbing him. Also you have to keep in mind that if I handle him too much the mother may not recognize his scent and mistake him for a meal. You know how those mothers get when they are dieting.

*this doesn't prove anything and I will deny any possible incident that may have occurred while I was in charge..... crisis averted