Marki's Graduation from preschool. She has one more year of preschool since she doesn't make the Sept 1st cut. Thank God she was born in October so we get her for another year!
Taking a seat.

Mark's purple filter:) I can almost see what Levi will look like when he is older.

Levi waiting to see his sis. I want you to know
Marki, your brother loves you so much and was so proud of his big sis. You and Levi get to be in school together next year:)

I really want to know what Oliver is thinking.

The Pledge of Allegiance

Eating a snack. Notice the chocolate cake balls on the plate. I ate all of them! Thanks Kam!

A rare family picture.
Congratulations, Marki! You look so beautiful, just like your mommy!
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