When I first presented the idea of getting her ears pierced, Marki told me she would get it done when she was 5 years old. A few days ago, out of the blue, Marki tells her dad, "Daddy, I think I'm going to get my ears pierced when I am six." Now imagine my surprise when we walk by Claire's and I say, "Hey Marki do you want to go in and get your ears pierced today?" I was waiting for her to tell me about her new 2 year plan to wait but she pipes up, "Yes mommy! I want to get my ears pierced today!!!"
So Mark and I take her in and have her talk to the lady who does this. The first thing we do is pick out the earrings. I notice some beautiful daisy studs with stones in them in all colors. I get excited hoping she will pick one of these particular earrings. No, she goes for the plain light blue stud, (which is my birthstone;) and I try persuading her to get the earrings I thought were so cute. Ok Cara, this is not your day! This moment belongs to your daughter. Let her pick out her own earrings. Once again, she insists on the plain light blue earrings.
((I love this about my daughter. She knows what she wants and that's that. No one is going to tell her what to do or how to do it. Please stay that way sweetheart. Don't ever let anyone make up your mind for you, weather it's me or anyone else. Always stand your ground and stick to your guns. Be that unique individual little girl that you are.))
She seems very calm and cool about the whole thing so I tell the girl to explain exactly what is going to happen. I don't want Marki to be traumatized by what is about to happen. At the last moment I was trying to get her to change her mind. She set her mind to do it and that is exactly what she did. There was no talking her out of it. What was really cute is a couple of girls came to the window to watch Marki get it done. The whole store swarmed around her for a peak at the brave Marki. Mark and I were almost pushed out of the way by watching bystanders. I was so proud of her. When both girls were in position and ready she looked a little nervous but didn't move a muscle. This is when one of the girls doing the piercing tells her that it is going feel a little hot and sting for just a second. She doesn't say a word. I was so nervous for her. After it was done she looked a little disgruntled and a second later she was laughing. Her dad was standing by giving me "the look". Apparently I took away his baby and gave back to him a "big girl". Daddy's and their daughters....What a wonderful love.
Now it's time for suckers. She gets one for her brother. She never leaves Levi out. She has this permanent smile on her face and she thanks her dad. Dad's heart melts even though he is still mad at his wife. She tells us that she loves her new earrings and shows them off to everyone. I have been waiting for that moment with my little girl ever since I knew I'd be having a daughter. It was so much fun and something I will remember for the rest of my life. Thank you, Marki, for being you. So much fun and telling me, No mom, I want these earrings and I'm not going to change my mind!" You are my sweetheart and I love you to pieces. Thank you for today. Marki Lyn getting her ears marked for the big event.
I'm still your baby, Daddy.
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